If passing the bar exam was easy, no one would ever stress over it! Many people have the dream of becoming lawyers, and passing the bar exam is the first step toward achieving their ambition. In this article, you will discover all the important details about the finest BAR preparation courses, including information on their curriculum, perks, and cost structures.
Comparing Different Bar Review Courses
The bar exam is certainly not the kind of test you can attend without adequate preparation. So how do you appropriately prepare for it? Using one of the best bar courses mentioned on the list below will ensure you’ll have the motivation and capability to overcome this hurdle and get your legal career started.
What we will cover?
#1.Kaplan Bar Review
Kaplan Bar Review offers an extensive lineup of programs, including LLM Bar Review Courses, Complete Bar Review, and an assortment of supplemental materials. The total cost of the course can go up to $4,046 depending on the additional course options you pick. Additionally, the lectures in the classroom can be viewed online, attended in person, or played on demand.
The Complete Bar Review Course involves an ambitious schedule of lectures, outlines, and well over 4,000 MBE questions for practice. Flashcards, which can be downloaded, as well as unlimited essay grading are included in the price for the highest degree of personalized assistance. There is a hard copy material available as well, but shipping costs are extra.
To maximize performance on the bar exam, students will receive a predetermined course of instruction, homework, exam preparation materials, practice questions, and an essay writing assignment throughout the program. The assignments on Kaplan bar prep courses are also designed to improve students’ areas of weakness and there are mandatory lectures to keep them on track.
You can use smartphones and other portable devices to access recorded lectures at any time and from any location. For individuals in need of even more individualized guidance, professional tutors are available for an extra charge. Even with the seemingly rigorous course schedule, Kaplan gives students some leeway by letting them make up any missed material over the weekend.
Unfortunately, some test-takers have criticized Kaplan for their MBE practice questions. They said that these are not similar to the questions found on the real bar exam. And, while it is understandable that this course want to touch on all of the topics addressed on the bar exam, the immense amount of assignments can be overpowering for some students.
All things considered, thanks to the wide range of course options, Kaplan bar prep can be a great option for those who want the traditional learning experience and those who prefer to join in on-line classes. Nevertheless, its high price may prevent students who are concerned with their learning budget from joining.
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#2.Themis Bar Course Review
Themis gives students a thorough overview of a variety of subjects without overburdening them with unnecessary information. Additionally, it gives students access to a mobile app that lets users download the course materials, enabling them to study without an internet connection, and an online study portal that they can use from any location.
Themis is one of the courses in this field that capitalize on digital accessibility. Nearly all gadgets, including e-readers, computers, tablets, and smartphones, can virtually access this educational platform. Its mobile app also makes it possible for iOS and Android users to effectively make use of the platform’s portability.
Themis’s learning modules are divided into smaller, easier-to-manage chunks. This is done to maintain students’ attention and interest. Based on research, Themis presents details in smaller doses to keep students from feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, it does this so that students can take their time processing the material.
Even though this course is designed for students who would rather take a flexible approach than a conventional one, there are a number of features that aid in time management. With the help of a dynamic calendar and to-do list, learners can stay on track. The myProgress tracker also keeps track of which assignments have been finished.
As previously stated, Themis gives students a lot of flexibility. So, what makes its learning process so flexible? Just take a look at the two available learning modes. The first mode is called Directed Study, in which you’re to finish a set of daily assignments. The second one is called Flex Study, which lets you work on assignments at your own pace and skip certain sections.
And, with course fees up to $1,695, Themis is by no means the most affordable prep course provider. Still, it is less expensive than a lot of other popular courses available and has no additional costs. In fact, if a student intends to work in the public sector, they might be eligible for a further price reduction, which is another big plus.
All things considered, students who want the flexibility to study from their mobile devices while on the go will find Themis ideal. There are no in-person class sessions required because the course is entirely online. The only unfortunate thing is that Themis is not available in all states. It only offers learning courses to students in 44 states at this time.
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Bar Prep Hero Bar Review
When BarPrepHero was first introduced in 2012, it offered free lessons. Even with its current array of premium options, this bar prep course provider still offers free lessons during certain months to people who aren’t sure if they should invest in a prep course. From the free lessons, students can still acquire point sheets, flashcards, and an MBE practice exam.
Now, let’s talk about the premium packages from BarPrepHero. With a monthly fee of $99 and over 600 simulated MBE questions, The Sim MBE is the most reasonably priced option. Furthermore, learners will get 600 flashcards in addition to a Bar Exam Genie AI—a feature that isn’t always included in other bar prep courses.
The other two package options are The Full Bar ($299 per month) and The Full MBE ($199 per month). If you get The Full Bar package, you’ll get NCBE-licensed MPT tests as well as ten comprehensive email consults. Also, the great thing about purchasing one of these premium packages is that you’ll receive a pass guarantee, which allows you to request a complete refund if you don’t pass the test.
Given those inexpensive rates, is there anything we should give up? Unfortunately, there is more to this question than a yes or no response. You will be given access to over 1,900 practice questions in total. These include both actual and simulated MBE questions written by licensed authors, and they ought to be more than enough for preparing oneself for the test. Additionally, an in-depth review is provided for each question.
In the end, do you still remember the AI genie helper we previously discussed? How many prep course companies out there can offer you a 24/7 learning support system? In addition to providing you with thorough answers, BarPrepHero’s Bar Exam Genie AI will get back to you right away. Additionally, it might provide you with tailored feedback to aid your learning.
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#4.BarMax Bar Course Review
If there’s a course that understands that people need to juggle twenty different things at the same time, it must be BarMax! You can sign up for quick study sessions using any device, whether it is a laptop or a smartphone, which indicates that the course provider has gone above and beyond to ensure your success on the Bar exam.
A lot of course providers out there claim that they have optimized their learning materials for mobile use, but many of them don’t really work well on the small screen. Thankfully, this is not the case with BarMax. Thanks to its effective mobile app, you can access all the books and modules required from your mobile device.
The prices of BarMax’s courses are also much lower than the industry’s average. At $1895, students are provided with 1,950 MBE questions, more than 130 practice essays, and more than 75 performance tests. The price also includes lifetime access to more than 50 hours of lectures, which include lessons from Arthur Miller, the legendary Harvard Law alumni.
If you need additional learning materials, BarMax also offers you BarMax MBE and BarMax MBE Questions packages, which are offered at $899 and $395. The good thing about these packages, including BarMax UBE and BarMax CA, is that they’re offered with financing options. With that said, you can break down the price into three to eighteen monthly payments.
In addition to the great flexibility and affordable package prices, BarMax also provides students with a reliable study planner. The whole program takes four months to complete, which translates to around 25 study hours of studying per week. This, without a doubt, is very doable, even when one is a full-time student or a part-time worker.
Overall, BarMax’s prep course is suitable for students who want to avoid overwhelming learning materials and schedules, which are typical in other bar prep programs. The learning outlines are straightforward and the lectures can be easily understood. The flashcards and practice exams also allow students to understand the subjects and exam format effortlessly.
Nonetheless, BarMax is not a perfect prep course. If you’re looking for in-person review classes, then this one might not be suitable for you. Despite the intuitive mobile app and effectively structured learning materials, the prep course provider only offers pre-recorded learning materials, which may not suit the learning style of some students.
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#5.Quimbee Bar Review
No matter what state they are from, law students can take advantage of Quimbee’s well-researched and innovative bar review course. When it was initially introduced in 2007, the goal was to give users easily accessible and reasonably priced study materials. Furthermore, it aims to facilitate students’ mastery of the subject matter.
You can easily see that the course provider places an emphasis on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Students can obtain an extensive collection of bar study materials in multiple formats for a single cost of $1,199. However, the resources that students receive will vary depending on the state that they select. That being said, Alaskan students will receive different course materials than Californian students.
Additionally, you should be aware that the application fee and course registration date for the bar exam vary by state. However, no matter where you want to register for the bar test, Quimbee has two package options on offer. These are Bar Review and Bar Review+. The “+” there, as you may have already guessed, refers to additional features and a higher price.
Unquestionably, Quimbee offers certain advantages that make it a good bar exam preparation course. First of all, this preparatory course tells users of what to learn and accomplish each day with a monthly calendar which includes daily scheduled activities. The daily assignments take many different forms, ranging from informative quick lessons to educational videos. It will also remind you of the deadlines for turning in essays.
Additionally, Quimbee has made it simple for you to objectively assess your progress thus far with its collection of diagnostic exams. To view the results of your practice exam, go to the Diagnostics section within your account. The best part is that you can take any of these diagnostic tests whenever you’d like because there isn’t a set deadline for them.
Additionally, Quimbee provides Graded Essays, something you don’t often find in bar prep classes at this price point. Through these assignments, you can practice taking the essay section of the test at your own pace. Unfortunately, if you want short video lectures and reading materials, you might want to find other alternatives since the majority of the learning materials is made up of downloadable books and PDFs.
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Why A Bar Review Course Is Essential?
The US Bar Exam is a challenging test that calls for an enormous amount of energy and time to prepare for. The Uniform Bar Exam (UBE), which is available in all 50 states, is the most popular kind of bar exam. It consists of MBE, MPT, and MEE portions. Some states might also require you to complete a state-specific component of the bar exam along with the UBE.
Enrolling in a bar prep course, thus, can be an excellent strategy for preparing for the test. It may not only aid in the understanding of the subject matter but also offer guidance on how to perform better and give structure to your studying. To help you in getting familiar with the subjects and exam structure, some of them provide you with practice questions as well.
So, can you pass the bar exam test without the help of a prep course? Yes, you definitely can. But, unless you have the discipline and ability to study regularly, it might not be the easiest job to do. The structures of the materials, the well-organized study plans, and the practice questions are simply the things you’ll never get when you study on your own.
How to Choose The Right Bar Review Course?
There are many “best” bar prep programs out there, yet picking a course can be a challenge. The most important thing in this situation is to choose the course that works best for you. Given that, here are some things to consider, along with specific features and resources you should look for when selecting a bar prep course.
- User Experience
Every course offers a different kind of user interface. Some of you might think that this is not the most crucial thing, but a bar prep course with an accessible and modern UI can actually enhance your learning experience. If you’re a student who is constantly on the go, for example, a fully working mobile app will be a vital thing to have.
It would also be great if your course provided a user-friendly, visually appealing platform. There are simply too many bar prep companies out there that don’t even make an effort to give their clients access to organized study materials. In terms of user experience, it’s also a big plus if a bar prep provider has a reliable customer service team.
- Learning Format
Can you spend an entire hour watching pre-recorded lectures? Do you prefer listening to interactive live lectures? Or, are you someone who is fond of written study materials? Only you know what kind of student you are, so it’s best to search for a course that fits that. For instance, some courses only offer pre-recorded video lectures, which are ideal if you prefer to take notes and figure out the answers on your own.
Pay close attention to the amount of mentoring that is included in the learning process when a prep course gives you access to lecturers and legal experts. Some people hardly pay attention to this kind of mentoring, but others find it to be very helpful. Generally speaking, the purpose of this kind of mentoring is to talk about your progress and determine what else they can do to support you.
Some of the courses out there provide adaptive study plans, which, again, may or may not work for you depending on your learning style. Such study plans typically allow the platform to automatically adjust the learning schedule in accordance with a student’s specific needs. However, given some students’ demands for more rigid learning schedules, these might not always be effective.
- Practice Materials
Yes, most of the prep courses out there provide thousands of questions for their students, but you can’t simply assume that all of them are the right kind of questions. When preparing for such a high-stakes exam, the ability to practice with NCBE-licensed questions makes a difference. They are the main thing that allows you to familiarize yourself with the real exam.
You’ll get more accustomed to working on the real questions as you finish more licensed questions. You can over time fully understand the reasoning behind the answers and learn how to rule out the incorrect options. If you give a wrong answer, you can go back and review the questions at a later time to see where you made errors and where you need improvement.
- Reputation
You surely don’t want to put your hard-earned money on the wrong course provider, do you? Always look for one with high passing rates and good online reviews. In addition, when a bar prep course provider has been in the game for quite some time, you can assume that they’ve done a good job in helping law students pass the test.
Speaking of reputation, quality prep course providers will provide users with a pass guarantee. It may come as a money refund or course retaking capability. Nonetheless, what matters most is that it has clear requirements and procedures. With such a guarantee in place, you don’t have to spend more money in case you fail the test.
In addition to conducting your own research online, you can also speak with your friends to find out which courses have an excellent track record. Ask about their experience with the course and the advantages they have gained from it. While it doesn’t mean you should enroll in the course your friend took, this can be reassuring.
The Takeaway
Considering how many people fail the bar exam, it is safe to say that it is among the hardest exams. But, if you prepare well and use the right techniques, you can make sure that you pass. With their package options, useful features, and comprehensive study materials, the bar prep courses above can help you on your path toward passing your bar examination.
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