Scholarship Overview

  • Country: Australia
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: University of Melbourne
  • Funded by: Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize
  • Tuition Type: Award
  • Degree Program: Undergraduate and Postgraduate
  • Scholarship Amount: $15,000
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 9 September, 2024.

Scholarship Benefits

This biennial prize, valued at about $15,000, allows an Australian poet to visit Ireland and Northern Ireland.


To be considered for this prize, you must:

  • Submit a collection of your poems written in English
  • Have a publishing record, including online works not self-published
  • Live in Australia
  • Plan to visit Ireland to further your creative work

Selection is based on literary merit.

How to apply

You need to complete the online application, which includes:

  • A 500-word statement on how you plan to use the prize, activities you will do in Ireland or Northern Ireland, and the positive impact on your creative work
  • A collection of poems you wrote yourself in English
  • One-page list of your publications
  • A two-page CV
  • A copy of proof of Australian citizenship (the selection committee might ask for the original later)

When you have all these ready, then click here to apply.

Application opens on July 15, 2024 and ends on September 9, 2024.


Requirements for Recipients:

  • Accept the award online within 21 days
  • Acknowledge the Faculty of Arts and the name of the award, Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize, in any publication resulting from the award
  • Where possible, help the Faculty of Arts promote the award

Additional Information

The Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize honors the life and work of Vincent Buckley, a poet, critic, and English professor at the University of Melbourne. This biennial award alternates between allowing an Australian poet to visit Ireland and an Irish poet to visit Melbourne. Funded by generous donations from Vincent Buckley’s family and friends, the prize includes a return airfare and a living expenses contribution.

Official Website