How Hard Is the GRE Exam, Really?

It’s natural to wonder about the actual difficulty of taking the GRE, if you’re planning on going on to grad school. Find out the specific hurdles you need to overcome so you can do your best. If you’re determined to go on to graduate school, you most likely need to take the GRE General Test beforehand. Most grad schools and business use this standardized General Record Examination to determine whether … Read more

How Hard is DAT? Know the Truth

Navigating the complexities of the DAT can be challenging because of the numerous materials of content to cover, time limits, and the pressure to do well. Today, we delve into the complexities of the DAT and shed light on essential factors to help aspiring dental students in passing this difficult exam. Factors Influencing DAT Difficulty The DAT’s level of difficulty can vary greatly, depending on a variety of elements that … Read more

GRE Study Plan 3 Months – Week-Wise Break Up

Here’s a great study plan you can follow in a 12-week period, with detailed instructions to avoid confusion. Follow the plan details as best you can, and you’ll be prepared for the GRE. Have you reserved 3 months for your GRE review? That’s a nice block of time you’ve set aside for your review—it’s long enough that you don’t rush things, but it’s not too long that you’re sick of … Read more

Higher Scores Test Prep Review [2023]

High schoolers don’t have a lot of flexibility in their schedule due to schoolwork,  extracurricular and social activities, and possibly a part-time job. With that in mind, Higher Scores Test Prep was started by private test prep tutor Lauren Gaggioli. The program provides users with various options to prepare for the American College Testing (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The company offers several options, from the complete package, a … Read more

What type of Math is on the GRE?

Preparing for the GRE Math Section Exactly which math topics will come up in the GRE? Knowing what’s to come in the GRE Quantitative section should help you prepare better for what’s to come. A lot of students preparing for the GRE are somewhat apprehensive about the upcoming math portion of the test. This is also known as the Quantitative Section of the test, and it’s not exactly easy. You … Read more

How to Improve Your ACT Science Score

Are you worried about how well you’ll do in the Science portion of the ACT? Here are some tips that should help you get a higher score. It’s natural to be worried about the ACT Science portion if you’re planning to take the ACT. After all, most students tend to forget about the particular lessons and facts they once covered when they were taking up Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, or … Read more

How to Send Your SAT Scores to the NCAA

The NCAA will only accept official SAT scores that come directly from the College Board. Here are the ways you can make sure the NCAA Eligibility Center gets your SAT score reports. Becoming a student-athlete is a sweet way of getting a scholarship, and in some instances, you may even get a full ride. For some athletes, a college career in sports may even become a stepping step to turning … Read more

How to Improve ACT Reading Score

Looking to optimize your ACT Reading score? Here are some tips that should boost your score for the Reading section of the ACT. At first glance, it seems a bit more difficult to review for the ACT Reading portion of the test, compared to the other sections such as those on English or Math, or even for the ACT Science portion. With the Math section, you only need to remember … Read more

How to Study for GRE Vocabulary?

Want to improve your GRE verbal score? If so, then you need to grow your GRE vocabulary list. Learning GRE vocabulary can be pretty daunting and exhausting. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut when it comes to studying for GRE Verbal.  You need to keeping reading and studying to build on your vocabulary list. Fortunately, there are several ways that your GRE vocabulary prep can be fun and effective. Here is … Read more

How Much Does the MCAT Cost? [2023]

The journey to becoming a doctor, nurse, or any medical professional is a huge investment; in yourself and your future. This journey has plenty of different road tolls you need to pay to move along. One of the first big tolls is the MCAT. In this article, we’re going to look at how much taking the MCAT and the overall medical school application is going to cost you. The Medical … Read more NCLEX Review 2023

If you are considering for your NCLEX preparation, but are having second thoughts, let us help you decide. There are a lot of good NCLEX prep course but not all courses are equally effective and suitable for your learning style, budget, and exam preferences. This article provides a detailed honest-to-goodness review of the Nursing Prep course. It will also compare with other popular review courses. This way, you … Read more

Kaplan vs Magoosh GRE Comparison- Which one is best for you?

If you’re looking for support while you study for the GRE, you’re probably already looking for the best GRE prep courses to improve your test results. Though some people prefer a private study path, many will benefit from the structure and resources offered in a course. Two great brands that offer GRE prep today are Magoosh and Kaplan. Which of the two is best for you? This comprehensive article will … Read more

Canadian DAT Vs American DAT: Differences & Similarities

If you are torn between taking the Canadian DAT or the American DAT, this article highlights the differences between the two. Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) is administered by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) while Dental Admission Test (DAT) is administered by the American Dental Association (AMA). Both these tests are fully regulated by both parties. The Similarities of Canadian and American DAT Although they have their respective strengths and specialization, … Read more

Best DAT Practice Tests

In many cases, determining the best DAT practice tests can seem difficult, but this shouldn’t have to be the case. Indeed, there are numerous different DAT practice tests on the market. But, after already spending out over $500 on your DAT entrance examination entrance, keeping the costs down for your practice tests is pretty important – and so, you’ll want to make sure you’ve chosen practice tests that offer brilliant … Read more

DAT Reading Comprehension Section

Before taking part in the DAT, it’s important to ensure you’ve prepared thoroughly for each section. With this thought in mind, taking the time to prepare for the DAT reading comprehension section is crucial. Indeed, this aspect of the assessment is often considered relatively difficult due to the complex nature of the passages. As such, knowing how this section works in advance can be highly important to optimize your overall … Read more