Scholarship Summary

  • Name: Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
  • Country: Canada
  • Institution: Ontario government/University of Toronto
  • Level of Study: Master’s and Doctoral
  • Separate Application Required? Yes
  • Type of Scholarship: Merit-based
  • Deadline: Varies by graduate unit (check with specific department)

Scholarship Benefits

The OGS provides substantial financial support to outstanding graduate students:

  • Value: $5,000 per academic session
  • Total Award: $10,000 for two consecutive sessions or $15,000 for three consecutive sessions
  • Duration: One year (two or three consecutive academic sessions)
  • Funding Split: Two-thirds provided by the Ontario government, one-third by the University of Toronto

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, Protected Person, or international student with a valid study permit
  2. Be registered or intend to register full-time in an eligible graduate program at the University of Toronto
  3. Maintain an overall average of at least A- (or equivalent) in the last two completed years of study
  4. Not have exceeded the lifetime maximum of government-funded support for their current level of study
  5. Adhere to any additional criteria set by the specific graduate unit

How to Apply

  1. Complete the online OGS application through the University of Toronto’s School of Graduate Studies centralized system
  2. Submit the application to each graduate unit where you are seeking admission (for prospective students) or to your current graduate unit (for enrolled students)
  3. Adhere to the internal submission deadline set by your graduate unit

Required Documents

  1. Completed OGS application form
  2. Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (unofficial copies accepted)
  3. List of previous awards, publications, conferences, and research experience
  4. Plan of study (maximum 2 pages: 1 page for the plan, 1 page for references)
  5. Two academic references (submitted online by referees)

Official Website

For more information and to access the application, visit:

Key Dates

  • Student Deadline: Set by individual graduate units
  • Graduate Unit Deadline to SGS: Refer to SGS Memo (for administrators)
  • Results Announcement: Mid-July

Additional Details

  1. Indigenous Scholars Award: At least three OGS awards are reserved for Indigenous graduate students
  2. International Student Eligibility: A limited number of awards are available for international students
  3. Deferment: Awards can be deferred for up to 4 sessions (16 months) for eligible reasons
  4. Payment Method: Funds are disbursed through ACORN in equal installments at the start of each academic session


  1. Can I hold other awards simultaneously with the OGS?
    No, you cannot hold an OGS concurrently with awards from SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR, QEII-GSST, or another OGS.
  2. What if my GPA is below the A- requirement?
    Some graduate units may consider exceptional cases for highly meritorious applicants who fall below the GPA minimum. Contact your proposed graduate unit for more information.
  3. How many times can I receive the OGS?
    Master’s students can receive a maximum of two years of OGS awards, while doctoral students can receive up to four years, subject to a lifetime maximum of six years per student.
  4. Can I work while holding an OGS?
    Yes, you may accept research assistantships, part-time teaching positions, or other paid employment that does not affect your full-time student status and complies with your graduate unit’s policies.
  5. Is the OGS taxable?
    Award holders may be exempt from federal and provincial income tax on their OGS. Consult the Canada Revenue Agency website for more information.

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship program at the University of Toronto demonstrates a strong commitment to nurturing academic excellence and research potential among graduate students. By providing substantial financial support, the OGS plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining top talent across all disciplines, contributing to the vibrant academic community at the University of Toronto and the broader research landscape in Ontario.