Scholarship Overview

  • Country: USA
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: Georgetown University
  • Funded by: Global Human Development Program
  • Tuition Type: Full tuition
  • Degree Program: Masters
  • Scholarship Amount: Fully funded
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 15 January, 2025.

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship covers all expenses and lasts for two years.


At least one full-tuition scholarship and several partial scholarships for GHD students from sub-Saharan Africa are available, thanks to the generous support of the Amre and Caroline Heinz-Youness Family and the William and Catherine McGurn Family.

The Father Bienvenido Nebres, S.J. Scholarship covers full tuition for a GHD student from the Philippines. There is also a partial tuition scholarship for a GHD student from Asia.

The Beeck Latin America Endowed Scholarship covers 50% of tuition for a GHD student from Latin America. Additionally, there is a partial tuition scholarship for a GHD student from the Middle East.

How to apply

To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must provide all necessary application materials:

Online application

A personal statement

Supplemental data sheet

Transcripts and test scores (GRE and TOEFL/IELTS)

Three recommendation letters

Additional Information

The scholarships will be granted based on the overall strength of the application.

Official Website