Scholarship Overview

  • Country: USA
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: Eisenhower Fellowships
  • Funded by: Eisenhower Fellowships
  • Tuition Type: Fully funded
  • Degree Program: Fellowships 
  • Scholarship Amount: Fully funded
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 16 August, 2024.

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Scholarship Benefits

A fully sponsored six-week program that includes both in-person and virtual elements.Fellows will create a project, build professional relationships, and initiate dynamic, tangible collaborations with their American counterparts, their cohort, and the renowned EF network of over 2,500 Fellows from 115 countries. 


Fellows are chosen based on their leadership history, future impact potential, and dedication to lifelong involvement with Eisenhower Fellowships to promote our mission of improving international understanding through dialogue, aiming to create a more peaceful, prosperous, and just world.

Generally, Fellows are between 32 and 45 years old at the time of the fellowship and have a high proficiency in English. Applications are welcome from around the world, but preference is given to candidates from countries where EF is active.

How to apply

Click here to visit the application portal. 

Additional Information

Before the fellowship starts, Fellows are required to spend considerable time on research, preparation, and planning with the EF program team. This will be followed by several virtual introductory and orientation sessions. In-person travel across the U.S. will occur in April – May 2025. 

Official Website