University: Beihang University




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Overview of Beihang University Beihang University, formerly known as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is a prestigious research-oriented university in Beijing, China. It is one of the top universities in China & is widely recognized for its engineering, science, & technology programs. With a history of over 80 years, Beihang University has established itself as a leader in innovation, education, & research. Country of origin: China Funded by: Chinese ...
Citizenship: Afghanistan, Africa, Arab Countries, Asia, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Ethiopia, Europe, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, Uganda, UK, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbawe