Scholarship Summary

Name: Various entrance awards and scholarships
Country: Canada
Institution: University Canada West (UCW)
Level of study: Undergraduate and Graduate
Separate application required?: Some awards are automatic, others require application
Type of scholarship: Entrance awards, grants, and scholarships
Deadlines: Vary by award, some ongoing

Scholarship Benefits

UCW offers a variety of entrance awards, scholarships and grants for new undergraduate and graduate students. Award amounts vary significantly depending on the specific award and program:

  • Full tuition scholarships available for some awards (e.g. Emily Baker Scholarship, UCW Founder’s Scholarship)
  • Partial tuition awards ranging from $400 to over $30,000
  • Tuition discounts of up to 30% for some awards

Most awards are disbursed as tuition credits starting from the second term of enrollment.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility varies by award but may include:

  • Citizenship/residency requirements for certain regional grants
  • Academic achievement (GPA requirements for some scholarships)
  • Program-specific eligibility
  • Full-time enrollment status
  • Good academic standing

Some awards have additional specific eligibility criteria, such as:

  • Indigenous status (Emily Baker Scholarship)
  • Female applicants from African countries (Sherryl Kintu Scholarship)
  • Recent high school graduates (UCW Founder’s Scholarship)
  • Members of recognized Canadian professional associations (Industry Professionals Grant)

How to Apply

Application processes vary:

  • Some awards are awarded automatically if eligibility criteria are met
  • Others require submission of an award application form and supporting documents
  • Award applications must typically be received at least 30 days before the program start date
  • Some scholarships have specific application deadlines (e.g. May 31 for Emily Baker Scholarship)

Required Documents

May include:

  • Award application form
  • Personal statement
  • Proof of eligibility (e.g. citizenship/residency documents)
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Proof of professional membership (for some awards)

Official Website

Key Dates

Vary by award. Some examples:

  • Emily Baker Scholarship: Application deadline May 31
  • Sherryl Kintu Scholarship: Application deadline September 1, 2024
  • Many awards valid until October 31, 2025

Courses Offered

Awards apply to various UCW programs including:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication
  • Associate of Arts
  • MBA Foundation
  • University Access Program

Additional Details

  • Students can typically receive only one entrance award, with limited exceptions
  • Online program students are generally not eligible unless specified
  • Award recipients are expected to act as UCW ambassadors
  • Some awards have maintenance criteria like maintaining a minimum GPA
  • Full policy details available in UCW Policy 9009 – Awards


Q: Can I receive multiple awards?
A: Generally, students can receive only one entrance award, with limited exceptions.

Q: Are online students eligible for awards?
A: Most awards are not available for online program students unless specifically stated.

Q: What happens if I change programs?
A: Changing programs may result in loss of awarded scholarships or grants.

Q: How are awards disbursed?
A: Most awards are applied as tuition credits, often starting from the second term of enrollment.

Q: Do I need to maintain certain academic standards to keep my award?
A: Yes, most awards require maintaining good academic standing and full-time enrollment status.