Scholarship Overview

  • Country: Australia
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: University of Melbourne
  • Funded by: Rhodes Scholarship
  • Tuition Type: Full tuition
  • Degree Program: Fellowship Program
  • Scholarship Amount: 100% fee remission and at least $30,000
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 12 August, 2024.

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship benefits include:

  • A stipend of £19,092 per year (about AUD$37,000 in 2024).
  • Covers all University and College fees, including the application fee.
  • Visa expenses are included.
  • One economy class flight to Oxford at the beginning of the scholarship and one economy class flight to the student’s country at the end of the scholarship.


To be considered for this scholarship, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • First, you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Additionally, applications from refugees or asylum seekers currently living in Australia will also be considered.
  • Next, you must have completed at least two years of schooling at an Australian secondary school.
  • Furthermore, your age must fall within a specific range. On October 1, 2024, you must have reached your 18th birthday, but not have passed your 25th birthday. This means you must have been born after October 1, 1999, and on or before October 2, 2006. However, for older candidates who completed their first undergraduate degree later than usual, the age requirement is slightly different. On October 1, 2024, you must not have reached your 27th birthday, which means you must have been born after October 1, 1997. Additionally, you must have met or will meet the academic requirements for completing your first degree on or after July 1, 2023.
  • Finally, you must have already completed, or will have completed by July 2025, an undergraduate degree (normally a Bachelor’s degree, with or without Honours [Australian Qualifications Framework levels 8 or 7], or the equivalent) with an academic background and grade that meets or exceeds the specific entry requirements of your chosen full-time course at the University of Oxford. It is expected that students will have a GPA of at least 6.75/7 or equivalent.

Criteria for Selection

Individuals from Australia who are interested in applying should thoroughly review the information provided for Australian candidates. They should then get in touch with their State or Territory Honorary Secretary to discuss whether they meet the eligibility criteria and to obtain general guidance on preparing the application and selecting referees.

The selection of Rhodes Scholars has been guided by four key criteria since 1902:

  • First, academic excellence, as demonstrated by strong literary and scholastic achievements.
  • Second, the ability to fully utilize one’s talents, as evidenced by mastery in areas such as sports, music, debate, dance, theatre, and artistic pursuits, particularly where teamwork is involved.
  • Third, personal qualities such as truth, courage, dedication to duty, empathy and protection of the weak, kindness, unselfishness, and camaraderie.
  • And fourth, the moral strength of character and the inclination to lead, as well as an interest in one’s fellow human beings.

How to apply

The application process typically opens in either June or July, with the selected candidates beginning their studies the following October. All applications must be submitted through the official Rhodes Scholarships website.

Official Website