Scholarship Overview

  • Country: Netherlands
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: TU Delft
  • Funded by: QuTech Academy
  • Tuition Type: Full tuition
  • Degree Program: Masters
  • Scholarship Amount: Fully Funded
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: Same as admission cycle

Scholarship Benefits

QuTech provides scholarships for outstanding international students who want to pursue a Master’s track in quantum. The scholarship covers the full tuition fees for the MSc program and helps with living expenses for two years. Additionally, if you finish the MSc program with a grade of 9 (90%) or higher on your thesis project, you will be offered a PhD position at QuTech.


If you want to apply for the QuTech Scholarship, you need to meet certain criteria. Besides the criteria below, you must also be eligible for admission to TU Delft.

This scholarship is for outstanding international students particularly interested in quantum studies and admitted to one of TU Delft’s MSc programs (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Computer Science and Mathematics):

Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Embedded Systems, Computer Engineering, Quantum Information Science & Technology.

Your cumulative GPA must be 80% or higher, and you should have attended an internationally recognized university.

Scholarship recipients are encouraged to take all QuTech Academy courses. QuTech will select candidates, giving strong preference to external students.

At QuTech, we value diversity and encourage female students and members of other underrepresented groups in quantum sciences and engineering to apply.

How to apply

To apply for the QuTech Scholarship, follow the steps outlined below and submit the required documents on time:

  • Write a motivational letter.
  • Include a comprehensive CV, two reference letters, and the TU Delft Scholarship Application Form.
  • Send your application to TU Delft, following the five steps of the application procedure detailed on this webpage (under “QuTech Scholarship”).
  • The deadline for the QuTech Scholarship application is 1 December.
  • Selected students will be invited for an interview via Skype.
  • Receiving the scholarship is conditional on meeting all admission criteria.

In the second year of the MSc program, students can choose a Scholarship MSc project at QuTech. If they achieve a grade of 9 (90%) or higher on their MSc thesis project, they will be offered a PhD position at QuTech.

Only those granted a scholarship will be informed via email in early March.

Official Website