Scholarship Overview

  • Country: China
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: Designated Universities
  • Funded by: Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China
  • Tuition Type: Full tuition
  • Degree Program: Masters and PhD
  • Scholarship Amount: Full tuition, housing, stipend, etc
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 31 August, 2024.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Students are exempted from tuition, teaching material, research and survey, English program allowance, and dissertation guidance fees.
  • Free on-campus housing is provided.
  • Monthly stipend:
  • 36,000 RMB per year for master’s students
  • 42,000 RMB per year for PhD students
  • One-time resettlement fee of 3,000 RMB per person.
  • Free medical insurance for international students.
  • One round-trip international airfare to China after enrollment, and up to n-1 (where n is the length of study) round-trip airfares for annual home visits.

Annual review is mandatory – students who pass can continue their full scholarship.

Other expenses are managed by the Ministry of Commerce and universities, not distributed to students. The ministry only provides funding for the enrolled academic duration, not for delayed graduation.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be a citizen of a developing country other than China, and under 45 years old
  • Be physically and mentally healthy, with a medical exam report from a local public hospital, and not have any prohibited diseases like severe chronic conditions, psychological issues, infectious diseases, or be in recovery from major health issues
  • Have at least 3 years of work experience, and hold a bachelor’s degree for master’s program applicants or a master’s degree for doctoral program applicants
  • Preferably have relevant educational background or work experience related to the program they are applying for
  • Be a division-level or above public official, senior management staff, or academic leader
  • Demonstrate English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 80+
  • Show potential for professional development and commitment to promoting exchanges between the host country and China
  • Not be currently studying in China or enrolled in other Chinese government scholarship programs

How to apply

The Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in your country will be accepting applications. Kindly check with the application receiving authority for the deadline each year.

Additional Information

The MOFCOM Scholarship-CSC Program is established by China’s Ministry of Commerce to bolster communication and cooperation between China and other nations, as well as to develop talents for developing countries. Since 2015, this program has primarily sponsored young and mid-career professionals from recipient countries to pursue postgraduate degrees in China. The China Scholarship Council has been tasked with administering the scholarship.

Official Website