Scholarship Overview

  • Country: Europe, Middle East, and Africa
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: accredited universities
  • Funded by: Google
  • Tuition Type: Partial tuition
  • Degree Program: Undergraduate
  • Scholarship Amount: 7,000 EUR award
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 23 April, 2025 (expected).

Scholarship Benefits

Chosen students will be granted an award of 7,000 EUR (or the equivalent in local currency) for the academic year 2024-2025.


Applicants wishing to apply must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled full-time in a Bachelor’s degree program at an accredited institution for the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Plan to continue full-time enrollment or be accepted into a Bachelor’s program at an accredited university in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa for the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Be pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical discipline.
  • Have a robust academic performance history.
  • Show leadership qualities and a commitment to enhancing the representation of underrepresented groups in the fields of computer science and technology.

How to apply

As part of the online application process, you will need to submit the following materials: 

  • General background information, which includes contact details as well as information about your current and intended universities.
  • Your up-to-date resume or CV.
  • Academic transcripts from your current educational institution.
  • Answers to short essay questions.
  • Regarding the essay questions, you will be asked to answer the following, with each response limited to 500 words or less:

Essay Question 1:

Describe an occasion when you encountered a complex issue that did not have an obvious resolution. Detail the process you undertook to arrive at a solution. Consider what resources and alternatives you evaluated. Reflect on what this challenge taught you. This could be a scenario from any aspect of your life, whether it be at school, work, during extracurricular activities, or at home.

Essay Question 2:

Reflect on a personal encounter with a barrier that hinders equal access to the technology sector. What do you perceive as the underlying cause of this barrier? Discuss the measures you have already taken to combat this form of inequality and outline the steps you intend to take moving forward. Devote at least half of your essay to the initiatives you’ve undertaken. Remember, the impact can be made in various ways and at multiple levels.

Additional Information

The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science aims to support those who are pursuing degrees in computer science, encouraging them to excel in the tech industry and emerge as leaders. Recipients will be awarded 7,000 EUR (or the equivalent in their local currency) for the 2024-2025 academic year. Selection for the Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science will hinge on the candidate’s demonstrated dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion, proven leadership, and academic achievements.

Official Website