Scholarship Overview

  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Scholarship Type: Merit-based
  • Institutions: Universities in the Czech Republic
  • Funded by: Government of the Czech Republic
  • Tuition Type: Full tuition
  • Degree Program: Masters and PhD
  • Scholarship Amount: Up to CZK 17,000 per month, etc
  • Separate Application Required?: Yes
  • Deadline: 30 September, 2024.

Scholarship Benefits

The Czech Government Scholarship is intended to cover the full duration of study:

  • The scholarship pays for tuition costs.

It also provides a living stipend:

  • Master’s students receive CZK 16,000 per month
  • Doctoral students receive CZK 17,000 per month
  • Scholarship recipients can use the funds to cover accommodation, food, and public transportation expenses.

Travel costs for coming to the Czech Republic and returning to the student’s home country are either paid by the nominating party or borne by the international student themselves.


Eligible Countries and Degree Programs

The scholarships available for the 2025/2026 academic year are open only to citizens of the following countries:

  • Cambodia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Georgia
  • Ethiopia
  • Moldova  
  • Zambia
  • Ukraine
  • Belarus (democratic forces)

These scholarships are exclusively intended to support international students from developing and select third-party nations. Czech citizens, European Union citizens, and any other foreign nationals with permanent residency in the Czech Republic are not eligible to apply for these scholarship opportunities.

How to apply

Each applicant must complete an online application form no later than September 30, 2024.

Candidates selected for the scholarship will begin their studies in the 2025/2026 academic year.

The application deadline is firm, so be sure to submit your materials before the cutoff date. Successful scholarship recipients will commence their program of study the following academic year.

Additional Information

Providing scholarships to students from developing nations for study at Czech public universities is a crucial component of the Czech Republic’s foreign development cooperation. This initiative has a longstanding history.

Since the late 1950s up to the present day, over 20,000 international students have completed their degree programs at Czech universities with the support of a scholarship from the Czech government.

This scholarship program reflects the Czech Republic’s commitment to facilitating educational opportunities for individuals from developing countries. The thousands of graduates it has supported demonstrate its lasting impact and tradition.

Official Website