Best SAT Prep Apps For Vocab & Quants [2024]

With the best SAT apps, you can practice and review for the SATs at any time, without having to tote a lot of books around.

It’s always a good idea to look for the best SAT prep apps if you’re serious about preparing for the SATs. The best SAT prep option is to go with a proper SAT prep online course, but you should supplement that with an SAT prep app as well.

The right SAT prep app lets you practice at any time, and in some cases, you don’t even need a Wi-Fi connection. They make practicing a lot of fun, especially for those who like trivia and puzzle apps.

Some are free or have free versions, but it’s always better to just pay for the premium version. The prices aren’t that high anyway, especially when compared to the prices of proper SAT prep online courses (or college tuition fees, for that matter.

It’s unfortunate that the College Board (which runs the SAT in the first place) no longer supports their excellent Daily Practice App. But there are plenty of alternatives out there, and we have a list of the better options you should consider first.

#1.Magoosh SAT Exam Prep & Practice for iPhone and iPad

There’s a version of this that’s available from Google Play, but that version is a bit off. That’s because the free trial version only offers 54 questions for practice.

It’s only when you upgrade to the Premium version that you can get more than 400 practice questions.

It’s another story for the version that you find on the App Store.

Here, the app is free and you get a lot more content and practice questions. You have at least 200 video lessons, plus you can practice with at least 1,500 SAT questions.

This lets you select your study schedules, and your app offers text and video explanations for the questions. You’re also able to track your progress.

The Magoosh team members are also very dedicated to their job, and they respond rather quickly to the questions you send them.

If you do sign up for the Magoosh SAT online prep course, then you should be able to download the premium version of this app even at Google Play. But if you’re using an iPhone, you’re in luck and you can try out this app for free.

#2.Magoosh SAT Flashcards: Prep & Vocabulary

It’s best if you hunker down and use a laptop or a desktop when you’re going online to study for the SAT. But when you’re out and about, flashcards give you something to work on when you have a few free minutes here and there.

That kind of preparation works best when you’re trying to quickly build up your vocabulary repertoire. The app actually includes English and Math SAT concepts.

Here, you can add 350 words to your vocabulary. There’s a very good chance that some of these words will be used in the actual SAT.

The app focuses your attention on these 350 words and makes sure you learn them by heart. To help with that, Magoosh uses a smart algorithm that spaces out how often the words are repeated.

At the start, the words that appear are all equally random and frequently. But once you start to get some of the words right, these words won’t appear as often. Once the app is sure you already know a particular word, that word won’t come up again.

The app instead gives you the words to practice on which still gives you some trouble. You also have several word groupings here with different difficulty levels, so you can level up as you learn.

The whole word list here has been compiled by a team of SAT experts who work with Magoosh as SAT tutors.

This team is led by Chris Lee, who’s been teaching the SAT for more than a decade now. Lee has already written an eBook on vocabulary and manages a YouTube vocabulary series.

Each of the words they use here comes with succinct definitions, and example sentences that show how these words are used properly.

#3.Ready4 SAT (Prep4 SAT)

This app used to be known as the Prep4 SAT, but now it’s called the Ready4 SAT. This is available for free, but you can pay for the premium version to unlock more features. The price is small, compared to how much you’d have to pay for an online SAT prep course (or books).

Here you get to access more than a thousand practice questions, and these questions also come with detailed answer explanations. You also get hundreds of flashcards and even an in-depth analysis of your score. There’s also a nice Question of the Day so that you don’t slack off.

The practice tests here can be customized so that you can match the practice tests to suit your particular needs. The in-app analytics also track your progress nicely, identifying both your strengths and weaknesses.

This app can also help you find the right college or university for your goals. The School Matcher feature uses a matching algorithm to find the best schools that fit your stated preferences and future goals.

There’s a list of “Top Schools” here, with at least 400 entries. You can pick the schools on the list to which you’d want to enroll in for college, and the app can help you see if that’s possible. The app knows the average SAT score needed for each university, and then it can compare your estimated SAT score to let you see if you’re on the right SAT path.

#4.ImpTrax Corporation SAT Genius SAT Exam Prep Practice Test

This is available from both the App Store and Google Play. It’s a free app, but you pay less than a dollar (99 cents, to be exact) to get the pro version.

This gives you access to a minimum of 300 SAT practice questions, and each practice question comes with a detailed answer and explanation. That way, even if you get the answer wrong for a practice question, you can find out how to get the right answer for that particular type of question.

This also offers 2 Exam Study modes, with flashcards when you don’t have much time to review. When you have a bit of free time while you’re on the road, the flashcards can help you pass the idle time more productively, with bite-sized practice questions.

The other mode is the Practice Exam, which is a bit more comprehensive. The exam can cover math, reading, and vocabulary skills.

#5.Varsity Tutors SAT Prep: Practice Tests, Flashcards, Quizzes

This is also available from either the App Store or Google Play. As the name of the app implies, it offers a lot of content for your money, with practice tests, flashcards, and quizzes.

The content covers the Math, Critical Reading, and even the Writing sections of the SAT. You can focus on a particular subject, or you can go with a full-length and timed practice test to check out your current SAT aptitude.

With the test, you can get your results and share them with tutors. You also get feedback regarding your specific strengths and weaknesses, so you can identify which areas need more work with your SAT review.

The flashcards are quite helpful, and not just for the vocabulary portion. These flashcards can help with the Writing section by improving your familiarity with proper subject-verb agreement, modifier placements, and the proper use of conjunctions.

You can even customize your flashcards, by adding recorded answers or even putting in visual cues for your word definitions.

#6.The Grading Game

All work and no play can turn you dull, but with this game app, you can have a lot of fun and still review for the SAT. Or at least, it helps with your English language skills.

The game sets you up as a teacher’s assistant, and your job is to check student papers and look for misspelled words, erroneous capitalizations, wrong word usage, and incorrect subject-verb agreement. It’s actually a lot of fun since you can indulge your need to be a grammar Nazi.

This helps you learn the rules of the English Language, in a way that’s quite engaging. In addition, you’re only allowed a little bit of time to go over each student’s paper, so you also develop your speed-reading skills.


There’s no arguing with the fact that if you really want to review properly for the SAT, your best recourse is to go with a comprehensive SAT online prep course. But lots of kids still want to study for the SAT on their own.

Either way, you really should consider supplementing your review efforts with the best SAT prep apps you can get. These apps can be a lot of fun, yet they’re very effective in helping you practice.

With the right SAT prep apps, you should be able to use your review time more productively. You get to improve your SAT performance, and you even enjoy the review as well.

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